note: upper case words are variables defined in or a map with the -m option.


The world is a 2-dimensional square that is MAP_SIZExMAP_SIZE. There are 3 main objects that exist in the game world: units, buildings and bullets.


The only object that the AIs can command are units. Each unit has an AI that it belongs to and it will only accept commands from that AI. These units have 3 abilities: moving, shooting and capturing. Additionally, every unit is able to see its surroundings and report them back to its AI. The units have energy and when that falls to zero, they die. The only way to acquire more units is through buildings.


Buildings are stationary objects that spawn a new Unit every UNIT_SPAWN_MOD turns for the AI that owns the Building. A building can be captured by another AI through its units. To capture a building, a unit must step inside it and begin capturing. If the unit can stay there for CAPTURE_LENGTH turns without shooting or moving, the base will change ownership to that unit’s AI.


An AI may tell a unit to move to any square on the map. The unit will move forward SPEED_MODIFIERxLOG(MAP_SIZE) squares along the shortest possible route to the square until it arrives or another directive is issued.

If the square is invalid, an exception will be raised.


If two or more AI teams have units that occupy the same square during a turn, the units collide with each other. All teams then lose the amount of the second greatest number of units on the square.


When a unit attacks, they shoot towards a square that they want to hit. The bullet travels at about MAP_SIZE/BULLET_SPEED_MODIFIER units a turn, while their full range is MAP_SIZE/BULLET_RANGE_MODIFIER units. Any unit who falls within the path of a bullet will take damage (including allies).


When a bullet goes through the same square that a unit is moving through on a turn, the unit’s energy is depleted by ATTACKxLOG(MAP_SIZE) - ARMOR amount. If a unit’s energy falls below 0, it is considered dead and is taken off the map. Any moves that the unit made during the round are still carried out - so it can finish a capture event or attack.

end game

The game ends when only one AI owns all units and buildings or GAME_LENGTH turns have passed. If the game ends when GAME_LENGTH turns have passed, it is considered a draw.